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We spend most of our lives sitting, even more than we sleep, so the right choice of environment and working chair is important for healthy and productive work. With xDrive's physiotherapist-approved work chairs, significant results are seen in both individual and work performance with the right investment in the health of yourself or your employees in office and working environments. Designed according to different needs and working styles, our multi-functional work chairs offer a healthy and reliable working environment to their users.
As a result of the long-term orthopaedic and ergonomics tests of our teams, xDrive Altay Work Chair series has been ergonomically and orthopaedically approved and approved that it minimises the risk of pain and health problems that may occur during long-term work and play periods and increases productivity thanks to the rail head technology, integrated lumbar support technology, 4D armrest technology and multi-functional mechanism systems used in long-term use compared to standard work chairs.
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Work and Office Chair

xDrive Business Work Chairs are designed for you to experience luxury and comfort like you have never felt before when you sit on your seat in your Workspace!
Whether you work from home or in the office, we need to choose work chairs and furniture that will protect our spine and body health in order to create a healthier working environment. Since standard working chairs are produced for a maximum of 8 hours per day, they cause health problems in the form of pain in your spine and body during prolonged sessions, causing employees to decrease their productivity and decrease their concentration on work. As xDrive Business, we have designed performance-oriented working chairs approved by specialist doctors in the field of ergonomics and physiotherapy in order for employees to work efficiently and healthily even at intense work tempo. The functional working chairs we have designed are adjusted according to the height and weight of the people and become fully compatible, thus supporting all body shapes, supporting up to 20 hours of sitting per day with top quality parts and materials as well as functional parts.
xDrive Business, Performance Oriented Working Armchair, Working Armchair, Working Armchairs, Office Armchair, Office Armchairs, Office Chairs, Office Furniture
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